reckless abandon

reckless abandon

Saturday, November 30, 2013

DIY Pirate Party

"The Pirate Party"

If you ever think you do not have the creativity to put together your own don't know until you try! Pick a theme and roll with it. ....And if you choose to do a Pirate party, make sure you throw out lots of piratey lingo such as:
Argh, Mateys, Shiver me Timbers, Batten down the Hatches, Plunderin' the Gold, Swabbin' the Poop Deck, Fair Maidens, Buccaneers, Sailin' the High Seas, etc, etc

A little cardboard, a little tape, a little paint, a knife.....and you got yourself a pirate ship!

1. Unfold a large box & reinforce it with tape.
2. Attached it to a wooden chaise/any piece of furniture that works.
3. Paint on some skulls.
4. Add some painted cardboard waves.
5. Cut out a cardboard anchor and wrap it in silver Duct tape. (which we used for an anchor throwing game, pictured at bottom right)

Make sure you label all your snacks with creative names! 
For example:
-Polly's Crackers and Cheese
-Cannonballs (cheese balls)
-Seaweed and Barnacles (veggie tray)
-Hearty Octopus dogs (hotdogs cut into octopus)
-Catch o' the day (goldfish pretzels...or fishsticks)

 Simply.....cut some tentacles through half the hotdog! and Voila, Hotdog Octopus!

The kids loved the Jello Oceans with orange slice boats and pirate flags. 
I got disposable plastic cups at the dollar store. 
The Pirate Decor I bought on clearance from Target after Halloween.

These boxes, found at Big Lots for $1, were the inspiration for my son's Pirate Party....they held the favors which included:
- a homemade spyglass (a paper towel tube and duct tape)
-gold chocolate coins (Party City)
-the "pirate booty" -a necklace & ring pops (Dollar Tree)
-eye patch ($0.20 party city)
-stick on mustache ($0.20 Party City)

Honestly, whats a party without games?! Even if it's just a 2 year old's party!! Not nearly as much fun, in my book!

We played the previously mentioned, "Cast the Anchor" where each child got to throw the anchor as far as they could from the boat.
We also "Walked the Plank!" 
-All you need is a wooden board and maybe a beanbag chair to jump into at the end of the plank. 
The kids loved it! (and the auntie too!) :)

Of course we needed a treasure chest at our party...which was simply an ottoman with gold duct tape and black marker rivets.
The lock was cardboard covered in more gold duct tape.

Inside our ottoman was a variety of:
- pirate clothes, hats, hooks, and swords for whoever wanted to get into character.


A mom of course has to get into character with some hoop earrings, pirate anything (scarf/shirt), and in addition, I cut an old striped shirt into a vest and secured it with a black belt. 

We already had a toy Pirate Ship, so we put that out for any of the kids to play with during the party.

And of course we had to have cake! Pirate Face Cupcakes to be exact. 
And yes, they were as easy to make as they looked! 
-White icing colored brownish
-Red icing for the handkerchief
-Black writing icing for the face and eyepatch

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